Aadhav Arjuna 

Aadhav Arjuna Joins VCK as Deputy General Secretary: Opens Up About Goals and Controversies

Vikatan English Political Desk

The appointment of Aadhav Arjuna, President of the Basketball Federation of India, as the Deputy General Secretary of the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK), has stirred significant attention both within and outside the party.

In an exclusive interview conducted at his office in Poes Garden, Chennai, we delved into his transition into politics and his aspirations within the VCK.

You were a businessman who recently entered politics and swiftly ascended to the position of deputy general secretary in the party. How do you respond to criticism about your lack of political experience, especially within the VCK?

My upbringing in a simple farming family deeply influenced my entry into politics. Witnessing my mother's struggle and eventual suicide due to debt at a young age instilled in me a strong determination to prevent such tragedies in the future. I began studying politics at the age of 15, recognizing it as a means to effect meaningful change. My involvement as an election strategist in various electoral campaigns, including those of the DMK and AIADMK, equipped me with invaluable field experience across all 234 constituencies of Tamil Nadu. I firmly believe that direct participation in politics goes beyond contesting elections and involves facing criticism through one's actions.

What motivated your decision to join the VCK?

My association with the second-tier leaders of the VCK spans two decades, fostering a deep bond of friendship. Following the 2021 elections, I became directly involved with the party, drawn to Brother Thirumavalavan's unwavering commitment to social justice and equality. Inspired by Dr. Ambedkar's vision enshrined in the Indian Constitution, I harbored a long-standing desire to contribute to politics in a manner aligned with his principles, a wish that has now materialized through my association with the VCK.

There are rumors that you entered politics with the backing of your father-in-law, lottery tycoon Martin. Can you clarify?

Contrary to speculation, my decision to enter politics was independent of any external influence, including that of my father-in-law. Our differing ideologies and methods attest to this autonomy. Rather than aligning with a national party, I chose the VCK as a platform to address societal inequalities and poverty through grassroots politics, in collaboration with Brother Thiruma.

What contributions have you made to the development of the VCK?

The absence of district secretaries within the party for eight years prompted me to provide critical ground-level data, leading to the appointment of 144 district secretaries by the President. Additionally, I played a pivotal role in coordinating booth committee activities and organizing various events, including the recent 'Winning Democracy' conference, with the guidance and approval of the Chairman.

“The appointment of the district secretary... If you were involved in the basic building work of the party like booth committee work, was the VCK a party without structure till then?”

Not really. The DMK recently appointed Prashant Kishor as a poll strategist, and the BJP, being the largest party, also formed an election strategy committee. Hence, it's evident that all parties need to adapt and restructure according to the current dynamics of politics. It's crucial to acknowledge that young people are increasingly influencing political decisions. Therefore, to truly represent  them, parties must undergo significant changes. In this regard, I believe the VCK is undergoing a commendable transformation.

As deputy general secretary, do you aspire to enter electoral politics?

Yes, electoral politics has always been a goal of mine, and I have communicated my intentions to the leadership. Ultimately, the decision rests with them.

The VCK has requested three separate constituencies and one general constituency in the DMK alliance. Do you believe this request will be granted?

The VCK, as a party committed to representing all sections of society, has requested a general constituency to uphold this inclusivity. Given the DMK's stance as a champion of social justice, we are optimistic that our request will be duly considered and accommodated within the alliance.

This piece is a translated and edited version of the original article published in the Vikatan.com, interviewed by Ram Shankar. Click here to read the complete version.