Veteran Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik tied the knot with Pakistani actor Sana Javed, adding an unexpected twist to ongoing rumors of his divorce from Indian tennis legend Sania Mirza. Malik shared the joyous news on X (formerly Twitter), unveiling pictures from their wedding ceremony alongside the caption, "And we created you in pairs."
Speculations about Malik's relationship with Javed had been circulating for some time. The ex-Pakistan captain fueled these rumors last year by extending birthday wishes to the actress, accompanied by a shared picture. Additionally, Malik publicly supported Javed when she faced criticism for alleged rude behavior.
The announcement of Malik's wedding took both sides of the border by surprise, particularly in light of the persistent rumors surrounding his potential divorce from Mirza. The couple, who initially married in 2010 in Hyderabad, are parents to a son, Izhaan, born in 2018. Although their relationship encountered challenges around the first half of 2021, specific details remain undisclosed.
Malik's public support for Javed is evident in a tweet from March 2022, where he described her as "kind and courteous."
Adding to the intrigue, Sania Mirza posted a cryptic message on Instagram earlier this week, reigniting divorce speculations. In that post. "Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard. Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard. Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard. Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard. Life will never be easy. It will always be hard. But we can choose our hard. Pick wisely (sic)," reads the quote, emphasizing the myriad challenges individuals face and the importance of making thoughtful choices.
On record, this marks Malik's second marriage. Before marrying Sania, Malik was involved in a controversial chapter with Ayesha Siddiqui, which he dismissed as an incident of fraud.
Sana Javed, a Pakistani actor renowned for her roles in Urdu television, was previously married to Umair Jaswal in 2020. However, reports suggest they started living separately soon after.
Sana's latest project, the romantic drama 'Sukoon,' revolves around the pursuit of peace and contentment, capping off her noteworthy career in Urdu television.
This comprehensive overview provides insights into the recent developments and longstanding speculations surrounding Shoaib Malik, Sana Javed, and Sania Mirza, ensuring accuracy and clarity.