Rumors are circulating on social media about the upcoming release of a Rs 500 note featuring Lord Ram and the Ayodhya temple. The note is said to replace Mahatma Gandhi's image and the Red Fort. However, upon examination, it has been identified as a morphed image.
Several social media posts claim the new note will be released on January 22, coinciding with the opening of the Ram temple in Ayodhya. The misinformation has sparked controversy, with some expressing support for the alleged design change.
Taking to social media, one user wrote, "Now the Rs 500 note will have a picture of Sriram Mandir instead of the Red Fort. 'Jai Shri Ram'... 'New Rs 500 note." This claim has led to discussions questioning Mahatma Gandhi's presence on currency notes.
However, official sources refute these claims. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) website does not provide any information about a new Rs 500 note with Lord Ram's image. The existing Rs 500 note with Mahatma Gandhi's picture is still displayed on the RBI's official site.
Experts suggest that the spread of such misinformation can cause confusion among the public. It is recommended that the government and the RBI issue a clarification to dispel the rumors and prevent further speculation.
As the controversy unfolds, it highlights the impact of misinformation on social media platforms and the need for authorities to address such issues promptly. Citizens are urged to verify information from reliable sources before sharing or believing in unverified claims.