The Khelo India Youth Games commence in Chennai today, spanning four cities in Tamil Nadu. The Nehru Indoor Stadium in Chennai hosts the inaugural event at 6 pm, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, arriving from Bengaluru at 4.50 pm. The Prime Minister's schedule includes a helicopter journey to INS Adyar Naval Base, followed by a car ride to the stadium.
Post-inauguration, Prime Minister Modi stays overnight at Raj Bhavan, departing at 9.20 am for Chennai airport, where he flies to Trichy. His itinerary encompasses a visit to Srirangam Ranganathar temple and a helicopter trip to Rameswaram, including prayers at the Ramanathaswamy Temple. Evening sees him at Sri Ramakrishna Math for an overnight stay.
In Rameswaram, the Prime Minister participates in holy rituals, taking a dip in Agni Theertham Kadal and worshipping at Ramanathaswamy Temple. His journey continues to Arichalmunai's Kothandaramar temple, after which he helicopters to Madurai airport, departing for Ayodhya.
Enhanced security measures blanket Chennai, Trichy, Rameswaram, and Dhanushkodi for the Prime Minister's visit. Chennai witnesses 22,000 police personnel on duty, accompanied by traffic adjustments.