C-Section Pain Relief: Non-Surgical Options | Dr. Vikatan Explains

Discover insights on scar endometriosis in this prompt as Dr. Vikatan and Dr. Varalakshmi explore alternatives for caesarean-related challenges
C-Section Pain Relief: Non-Surgical Options | Dr. Vikatan Explains
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A concerned reader reaches out to Doctor Vikatan with a unique health challenge. At 40 years old, having undergone two caesarean deliveries, the reader describes experiencing persistent pain in a specific area of the caesarean stitches.

A diagnostic scan reveals the presence of 'scar endometriosis,' prompting a recommendation for surgery. Seeking alternatives, the reader questions the potential of alternative medicine.

Government Siddha doctor Varalakshmi
Government Siddha doctor Varalakshmi

Responding to the query, Chennai-based Siddha doctor Varalakshmi sheds light on endometriosis, a condition where normal endometrial tissue is found outside the uterus. Scar endometriosis, specifically occurring after caesarean sections, manifests in stages 1 to 4.

Dr. Varalakshmi notes that Siddha treatment can offer partial relief in stages 3 and 4, but faces challenges in stages 1 and 2 due to reduced blood flow post-caesarean. Emphasizing the importance of assessing the severity of the condition, she recommends consulting a Siddha doctor. In early stages, treatment involves macro medicines and dietary adjustments. However, in advanced stages, a dual approach is suggested, with Siddha treatment complemented by consultation with an English medicine practitioner, potentially leading to a surgical solution.

Siddha Medicine
Siddha Medicine
C-Section Pain Relief: Non-Surgical Options | Dr. Vikatan Explains
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This comprehensive response aims to provide the reader with a nuanced understanding of their situation and potential avenues for addressing the health concern.

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