In a shocking turn of events, masked gunmen raided a live television studio in Guayaquil, Ecuador, threatening staff and creating chaos. The incident unfolded as the country grapples with a state of emergency following the escape of notorious gangster Adolfo Macías Villamar, known as Fito, from prison. The assailants reportedly left the studio with hostages, prompting arrests by the police.
The armed intrusion occurred against the backdrop of heightened security concerns in Ecuador, with a 60-day state of emergency in effect. The disappearance of Fito, the leader of the Choneros gang, has triggered nationwide unrest. The assailants' motive behind the TV station attack remains unclear, raising questions about its connection to Fito's escape.
The United States condemns the "brazen attacks" in Ecuador, pledging close coordination with President Daniel Noboa's government and readiness to provide assistance. Neighboring Peru deploys police forces to the border, aiming to prevent potential instability spilling over. The incident underscores growing regional concerns about the escalating crisis in Ecuador.
During the assault on the TV station, masked gunmen forced employees onto the floor, with one captor pointing a pump-action shotgun at a hostage's head. The live broadcast abruptly cut off as the assailants left the studio, reportedly with hostages in tow. The incident reflects the perilous security situation gripping the nation.
President Noboa responds to the escalating violence by declaring an "internal armed conflict." Mobilizing the armed forces, he announces military operations to neutralize transnational organized crime and other non-state actors. The decree lists multiple criminal gangs, including the Choneros, as targets for security operations.
Following Fito's escape, Ecuador faces a wave of jail riots, prison escapes, and acts of violence attributed to criminal gangs. Security forces attempt to restore order in at least six prisons where riots erupted. The state of emergency includes a nightly curfew, reflecting the government's efforts to curb the violence and instability.
Residents in cities like Quito and Cuenca express shock and fear as news of the TV station attack spreads. Reports suggest heightened nervousness, early departures from workplaces, and increased traffic. The unprecedented incident raises concerns about the overall security situation in Ecuador, leaving citizens on edge.