A bus conductor and driver in Tamil Nadu have been suspended after allegedly forcing a woman passenger to disembark on an unsafe route because she was carrying beef.
Panchalai, from Kambainallur Navalai village in Dharmapuri district, was traveling on a Harur-Krishnagiri bus when conductor Raghu discovered she was carrying beef. He reportedly pressured her to leave the bus at the Mopiripatti forest area, a remote location away from any regular stops.
Panchalai pleaded to be dropped at the next bus stop, but Raghu refused. She eventually had to walk to a nearby stop and board another bus to reach her destination.
Panchalai informed her family about the incident, who confronted the driver and conductor on their next route. Following the incident, the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) suspended both driver Sasikumar and conductor Raghu until further investigation.