Republic Day celebrations in Tamil Nadu took on a special significance this year as AltNews co-founder Mohammed Zubair was presented with the prestigious 'Kottai Ameer Communal Harmony Award.' This award, given annually during the Republic Day festivities, is named after Kottai Ameer, an individual renowned for his commitment to fostering religious harmony.
Kottai Ameer, born into an ordinary family in Coimbatore, was a Muslim dedicated to promoting unity throughout his life. His commitment to communal harmony became especially prominent during the tumultuous period of the Babri Masjid incident. Despite the challenges and risks, Ameer worked tirelessly to maintain peace, forming a peace committee to curb Hindu-Muslim riots and assuming its leadership.
Ameer's efforts extended beyond religious boundaries, earning him respect not only in mosques but also in Hindu temples and Christian churches. Tragically, his dedication to harmony cost him his life when he was brutally murdered in 1994. In response, then Chief Minister Karunanidhi announced the establishment of the 'Kottai Ameer Religious Harmony Award' in his memory, a tradition upheld every year.
This year, Mohammed Zubair received this esteemed award for his outstanding contributions to promoting communal harmony. Born on December 29, 1983, in Bangalore, Karnataka, Zubair is a graduate of the M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology. Prior to his foray into media, he spent over a decade working as a software engineer.
In 2017, Mohammed Zubair, along with fellow former software engineer Pratik Sinha, founded Alt News, a fact-checking website designed to combat the rising tide of fake news. The platform has become a critical player in debunking misinformation and providing accurate information to the public.
Zubair's journey took an unexpected turn in 2022 when he found himself at the center of a controversy sparked by a controversial comment made by Nupur Sharma. Arrested by the BJP government at the Centre, Zubair endured a month-long imprisonment. His arrest garnered international attention and condemnation from prominent figures, including Justice Deepak Gupta of the Supreme Court, the Journalist Guild of India, digital media organizations represented by DIGIPUB, UN Chief Antonio Guterres, and the German government.
Despite facing adversity, Zubair emerged from the trial victorious, with the Supreme Court acquitting him of all charges. His resilience in the face of challenges and dedication to truth-telling and communal harmony did not go unnoticed.
The Tamil Nadu government's decision to confer the Kottai Ameer Communal Harmony Award upon Mohammed Zubair reflects the acknowledgment of his relentless pursuit of truth and commitment to fostering unity in society. The award recognizes not only Zubair's role in combating fake news but also his steadfast support for communal harmony.
Zubair's journey mirrors the broader narrative of individuals leveraging the digital space to counter misinformation, uphold journalistic integrity, and contribute to a more harmonious society. As fake news continues to pose a significant threat to public discourse, fact-checking initiatives like Alt News play a crucial role in preserving the sanctity of information.
In honoring Mohammed Zubair with the 'Kottai Ameer Communal Harmony Award,' Tamil Nadu sends a powerful message about the importance of journalistic integrity, truth, and communal harmony in today's complex and interconnected world. Zubair's commitment to these values serves as an inspiration for others in the media and beyond, emphasizing the need for responsible information dissemination and fostering unity amid diversity.