In an unexpected turn of events, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi has highlighted a contrasting perspective as the nation prepares for the Prana Pratishtha ceremony of Shri Ram Lalla at Ayodhya's newly constructed Ram Janmabhoomi Temple.
Ravi's statement, shared via the Raj Bhavan Twitter account, reveals an unsettling atmosphere at the Arulmigu Kothandaramar Temple in West Mambalam, Chennai.
Scheduled for 12 noon on January 22, the Prana Pratishtha ceremony is expected to draw dignitaries from all corners of the country, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The ceremony holds immense cultural and religious significance, with the infusion of life into the deity marking a pivotal moment in the temple's history.
Ravi's observations, however, provide a unique perspective, noting an unusual sense of fear and anxiety among the priests and staff at the Chennai temple. This revelation stands in stark contrast to the festive atmosphere celebrated in other parts of the country ahead of Bala Rama's Prana Pratishtha.