Renowned director Alphonse Puthran, celebrated for his contributions to Malayalam, Bollywood, Kollywood, and Telugu cinema with hits like 'Neram' and 'Premam,' recently made headlines after facing criticism for his film 'GOLD' featuring Prithviraj and Nayanthara.
The movie's reception wasn't as expected, leading to negative critiques and online trolling. Amidst the backlash, Alphonse Puthran took to social media, revealing that he has autism spectrum disorder. However, his posts took an unexpected turn when he tweeted, "There is suspicion over Vijayakanth's death. He has been killed. This should be investigated."
Such statements on social media stirred controversy and drew attention. In response to the situation, Alphonse Puthran announced that he would refrain from posting anything on Facebook and Instagram going forward. He cited family concerns, stating, "My mom, dad, and sisters didn't like it. Because my relatives scare them. I think my silence will bring relief to everyone. So let it be."
This move marks a shift for the director, who has decided to maintain a low profile online.