Axis Securities' Top 7 Midcap and Smallcap Stock Picks: Unveiling Promising Investment Opportunities

Discover the latest recommendations from Axis Securities as they unveil their carefully selected midcap and smallcap stocks for potential investment in March. Explore opportunities in diverse sectors, from pharmaceuticals to infrastructure, and make informed decisions to diversify and grow your investment portfolio.
Small Cap Stocks
Small Cap StocksSmall Cap Stocks

Axis Securities, a prominent stock broking firm, has unveiled its recommendations for potential investment opportunities in the midcap and smallcap segments for the month of March. These carefully selected stocks present promising prospects for investors seeking growth and diversification in their portfolios.

Equity Investment
Equity Investment

The seven recommended stocks are as follows:

  1. Lupin: A renowned pharmaceutical company with a strong track record in the healthcare sector.

  2. Federal Bank: A leading private sector bank known for its robust financial performance and customer-centric approach.

  3. CreditAccess Grameen: A microfinance institution dedicated to providing financial services to rural and underserved communities, contributing to financial inclusion and empowerment.

  4. JTL Industries: An emerging player in the industrial sector, focusing on innovative solutions and sustainable practices.

  5. CIE Automotive: A global automotive supplier specializing in components and systems for vehicle manufacturers worldwide, poised for growth in the evolving automotive industry.

  6. Westlife Foodworld: A dynamic player in the food and hospitality sector, operating popular restaurant chains and catering to diverse consumer preferences.

  7. PNC Infratech: A leading infrastructure company engaged in the development and construction of various projects, contributing to the nation's infrastructure growth.

While these stocks present compelling investment opportunities, it is crucial for investors to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions. Understanding the business dynamics, financial performance, and potential risks associated with each company is essential for making informed investment choices.

Investors are advised to assess their risk tolerance and investment objectives carefully and seek guidance from financial experts or advisors if needed. By staying informed and vigilant, investors can navigate the market with confidence and optimize their investment strategies for long-term success.

Small Cap Stocks
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Data in this section is not a buy/sell recommendation but only a compilation of information on various technical/volume-based parameters

Analyst certifies that all of the views, if any, expressed in this report reflect his personal views about the subject company or companies and its or their securities, and no part of his compensation was, is or will be, directly or indirectly related to specific recommendations or views expressed in this report. Analyst affirms that there exists no conflict of interest that can bias his views in this report. The Analyst does not hold any share(s) in the company/ies discussed.

INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES MARKET ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET RISKS. READ ALL THE RELATED DOCUMENTS CAREFULLY BEFORE INVESTING. Registration granted by SEBI and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors. For a detailed disclaimer and disclosure please visit Before making an investment/trading decision on the basis of this data you need to consider, with the assistance of a qualified adviser, whether the investment/trading is appropriate in light of your particular investment/trading needs, objectives and financial circumstances.

One year Price history of the daily closing price of the securities covered in this section is available at (Choose the respective symbol) /name of company/time duration)

Before investing, an investment decision should be taken in consultation with a SEBI registered investment advisor. It can be profitable to wait for the right opportunities and buy fewer when those opportunities are available.


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