Actress Rakul Preet Singh and actor Jackky Bhagnani exchanged vows on February 21st in a beautiful beach ceremony at the ITC Grand Resort in South Goa. The couple had previously performed the Anand Karaj ceremony in the morning and the Sindhi ceremony at sunset. Rakul looked radiant in a stunning, rose-studded lehenga designed by Tarun Tahiliani. Their wedding photos have taken social media by storm, with celebrities, businessmen, and friends sending their congratulations.
The wedding festivities, marked by music and dance, commenced on February 19th and spanned three days. Bollywood stars like Shahid Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Ananya Panday, Varun Dhawan, Sara Ali Khan, Shilpa Shetty, and Aditya Roy Kapur were among the many who graced the occasion.
Adding a unique touch, Rakul and Jackky prioritized environmental consciousness throughout their wedding. They opted for digital invitations, replaced firecrackers with eco-friendly alternatives, and minimized the use of plastic items.
Ananya Panday, who reportedly attended the wedding with her rumored boyfriend Aditya Roy Kapur, shared stunning pictures on her Instagram page. Dressed in a golden saree, she captured the picturesque backdrop of the wedding venue. Her caption, "Feeling the sun under the moon, surrounded by love," perfectly summed up the joyous atmosphere.
Rakul and Jackky shared their official wedding photos with the caption, "Mine now and forever. 21-02-2024 #abdonobhagna-ni." We join the world in wishing them a lifetime of happiness together!