Actress Nayanthara has issued a heartfelt apology for the recent controversy surrounding her film 'Annapoorani,' assuring that neither she nor her team intended to offend anyone's sentiments. The apology, posted on Instagram, featured the words 'Jai Shri Ram' and the Hindu religious symbol 'Om.'
Addressing the situation, Nayanthara stated, "In our sincere attempt to share a positive message, we may have inadvertently caused hurt. We did not anticipate the removal of a censored film, previously showcased in theatres, from the OTT platform. My team and I never intended to hurt anyone's sentiments, and we understand the gravity of this issue."
The film 'Annapoorani' faced backlash from certain Hindu groups who accused it of spreading "anti-Hindu" propaganda, leading to its removal from Netflix. Nayanthara explained, "The intention behind 'Annapoorni was to uplift and inspire, not to cause distress. Over the last two decades, my journey in the film industry has been guided with a singular intention - To spread positivity & foster learning from one another."
'Annapoorani' follows the story of Annapoorani, played by Nayanthara, a young woman from a conservative Brahmin family in Tamil Nadu who aspires to become a top chef. The film has faced criticism for its portrayal of the protagonist's conflict between her passion and orthodox ideals, eventually leading her to embrace unconventional choices.
Nayanthara, expressing regret over the controversies, stated, "We wanted to sow a positive impression through Annapoorani, but we felt that we had unknowingly hurt the sentiments of some people. It was totally unexpected for us that a film that was certified by the Censor Board and released theatrically was removed from OTT."
Despite the challenges, Nayanthara remains committed to spreading positivity through her work and apologized to those whose feelings were unintentionally affected. The actress concluded, "Once again, I would like to point out that the only purpose of my 20 years in cinema has been to spread positivity and learn good things from others."