Senior Hamas Leader Saleh al-Arouri Assassinated in Beirut Google

Israel : Senior Hamas Leader Saleh al-Arouri Assassinated in Beirut

Niyasahamed M

In a major development, Saleh al-Arouri, a prominent figure in the Hamas hierarchy, met a tragic end in a suspected Israeli drone attack. The 57-year-old, serving as the deputy head of Hamas's political bureau, played a crucial role in establishing the group's military wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades.

Political and Military Stalwart

Al-Arouri, deeply engaged in the group's military affairs, was killed in an explosion in Beirut's southern suburb of Dahiyeh. The attack, widely attributed to Israel, has intensified tensions in the region.

Legacy of Leadership and Militancy

Having joined Hamas in 1987, Al-Arouri was instrumental in establishing the group's military presence in the occupied West Bank. Known for his close ties to both Iran and Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon, his demise marks a significant loss for the organization.

From Prisoner to Negotiator

The late Hamas leader, who had previously served time in Israeli prisons, played a key role in negotiating the release of over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011. Notably, on October 27 this year, the Israeli army demolished his West Bank home in the town of Arura, near Ramallah. At the time of his death, Al-Arouri was residing in Lebanon.

Targeted Drone Strike in Hezbollah Stronghold

Lebanese media reported that the fatal drone strike targeted Hamas's office in the southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh, claiming the lives of six others reportedly affiliated with Hamas. The location of the attack adds complexity, as a senior Hamas official killed in a Hezbollah stronghold raises concerns about escalating tensions.

International Reactions and Condemnations

Lebanon's caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati condemned the killing as a new Israeli war crime, accusing it of attempting to drag Lebanon into a new phase of the conflict. Hezbollah denounced the attack as a serious assault on Lebanon's people, security, and sovereignty, warning of a robust response.

Condemnation and Denial: Israel's Stance

Izzat Al-Rishq, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau, condemned the incident as a "cowardly assassination by the Zionist occupation." Israel's military, while not officially commenting, described the attack as a "surgical strike" against Hamas's leadership, refraining from confirming responsibility.

Region on Edge: Uncertainties and Apprehensions

The region now faces an anxious wait to observe how Hezbollah responds, raising concerns about the potential spillover of Israel's conflict in Gaza into Lebanon. The situation remains tense, with uncertainties surrounding the aftermath of this targeted attack on a key Hamas leader.