Employee on the job of spraying mosquito repellent 

Kuwait-Based Resident's Plea: A Letter Ignites Mosquito Battle in Thanjavur

Vikatan English Editorial

A concerned young man employed in Kuwait, Kader Hussain, reached out to the Thanjavur Municipal Corporation in the Delta region of Tamil nadu regarding the escalating mosquito menace affecting his family in Chinna Ariskara Street, ward 30. 

A father's mail for his daughter

Hussain's six-month-old daughter and other family members were enduring mosquito bites, prompting him to seek immediate intervention.

A father in Kuwait urgently writes to Thanjavur officials as his daughter suffers from mosquito bites, catalyzing prompt action against the menace.

Expressing the urgency of the situation, Hussain sent an email to the Thanjavur Municipal Corporation, drawing attention to the mosquito issue prevalent in the corporation's jurisdiction. 

Tanjore Mosquito repellent sprayed on behalf of the corporation

The rising mosquito population, especially in areas with vegetation and sewage water, posed a significant challenge for residents, causing distressing mosquito bites, particularly during the evenings.

Fearing for his infant daughter's health, Hussain's plea caught the eye of City Health Officer Dr Subhash Gandhi. In response, municipal corporation health workers were promptly dispatched to Chinna Ariskara Street. 

Thorough mosquito repellent spraying was carried out across the area, addressing the mosquito problem not only in Hussain's house but in the entire vicinity.

The swift action taken by the municipal corporation resonated positively with Hussain, who expressed gratitude for the immediate resolution of the mosquito issue affecting his family. 

The collaborative efforts between the concerned citizen and the municipal administration highlight the importance of community engagement in addressing local challenges effectively.