Bengaluru Metro - Farmer 

Farmer Was Denied From Boarding Metro Train For Clothing - NHRC Takes Action

English News Desk

In Bengaluru, a farmer was denied entry to the metro due to the perceived uncleanliness of his attire. The incident, captured in a viral video, has ignited widespread outrage, prompting the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to issue notices to the state government and the Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation (BMRC).

The incident happened at Rajaji Nagar metro station, where a farmer was stopped from boarding a metro train.

Despite having a valid ticket and carrying only clothes in his sack, the farmer was denied entry by a security officer who criticised his dirty attire as the reason.

Bengaluru farmer

Public Outcry and Social Media Response

The incident garnered attention on social media platforms, with users expressing their discontent over the discriminatory treatment.

A video was shared on X (formerly Twitter) , where Karthik C Airani, was questioning metro officials at the scene.

He in the video said , "He is a farmer and possesses the required ticket to travel through the metro. He also does not have any items in his sack that are prohibited from bringing into the metro. He only has clothes. On what basis is he being denied entry?

Show me a rule which mandates a dress code for commuters of the metro. Is this a transport restricted to the VIPs? It’s public transport,"

NHRC Intervention

The NHRC took swift action by issuing notices to the Chief Secretary of the Government of Karnataka and the Managing Director of BMRC.

In a statement, the NHRC declared the incident a violation of human rights and emphasized that no person should be denied access to public transport based on their attire.

In response to the public outcry, Bengaluru metro issued a statement confirming the termination of the security official involved. The metro service reiterated its commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that such incidents do not happen again.



The farmer's ordeal at the Bengaluru metro station highlights the importance of addressing prejudices and discrimination in public spaces.

It serves as a reminder that public transport should be accessible to everyone, irrespective of their appearance, emphasizing the need for empathy and understanding in society.

The incident, while regrettable, has sparked a broader conversation about the values and principles that should govern our public spaces.