Muscle cramping 

Doctor Vikatan: Muscle Cramps: Can Diet Prevent Them? - Expert Advice & Food Recommendations

Vikatan English Editorial

A concerned reader seeks advice from Doctor Vikatan, stating, “I often experience cramps during exercises or daily activities. My friend suggests it could be due to malnutrition. Can certain foods help prevent muscle cramps, and if so, what kinds of foods are recommended?”.

Shiny Surendran

Shiny Surendran, a sports and preventive health dietitian based in Chennai, provides valuable insights.

“Muscle cramps during activities like getting into a car, sleeping, or working out in the gym are common experiences for many. The good news is that these can be alleviated with the right diet. One crucial factor to focus on is B complex vitamins. Foods like milk and its products, unpolished rice, millets, and traditional rice varieties are excellent sources of B complex.

Muscle cramping

Another critical aspect is maintaining proper hydration levels in the body. Sweating can deplete your body of salt, leading to muscle cramps. To counter this, you can add a pinch of salt and sugar to lemon juice or opt for coconut water.

Additionally, bananas are highly beneficial in preventing cramps. Rich in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6, bananas can be consumed during sports activities or between tasks to prevent sudden cramping. Including bananas in your daily diet is a simple yet effective strategy.


Lastly, it's essential to consider the magnesium levels in your body, as many individuals may experience a deficiency. Foods such as millets (bajra, jowar, ragi), pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, and various pulses are excellent sources of magnesium. Incorporating these foods into your diet can help prevent muscle cramps effectively.”