
Doctor Vikatan Decodes: The Link Between Diabetes, Weight Loss, and Itching

Vikatan English Editorial

Question from a 46-year-old suffering from diabetes:

"I've been dealing with diabetes, experiencing significant weight loss and frequent itching in the private parts. How are these issues related to diabetes?"


Dr. Shanmugam, a Chennai-based diabetes therapist, provides insights:

Diabetes manifests through four main symptoms: excessive thirst, frequent urination, excessive hunger, and weight loss. The decrease in insulin secretion reduces the energy transfer from blood to tissues. This results in sugar not reaching vital organs, causing weakness and significant weight loss.

The body responds to the lack of energy in tissues by triggering hunger, leading to increased food intake and elevated blood sugar levels. Excess sugar is expelled through urine, causing more frequent urination and intense thirst due to reduced hydration.

When blood sugar levels surpass 180, the kidneys filter and expel it, further contributing to dehydration. Additionally, as sugar is excreted along with urine, it can lead to genital itching and irritation.

To lose weight

In summary, the interconnected actions are consequences of elevated blood sugar levels. Regular blood tests are crucial for diabetes diagnosis, and controlling blood sugar levels is achievable through proper diet, exercise, and prescribed treatments. Following these measures can alleviate the mentioned symptoms.

Why itching?

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