
AR Rahman Opens Up About Suicidal Thoughts and mother's Advice

Vikatan English Entertainment Desk

Renowned music composer AR Rahman recently engaged with the students of the prestigious Oxford Union debating society, delivering a heartfelt message that transcended the realms of music. 

Ar Rahman's mother Karima Begum

During the event, Rahman opened up about his own battles with suicidal thoughts during his youth, providing a poignant insight into the struggles faced by the younger generation.

Reflecting on his personal experience, Rahman recounted the invaluable advice his mother gave him during those challenging times. "When you live for others, you don't have such thoughts," she wisely told him. This profound guidance became a cornerstone in Rahman's life, shaping his perspective and influencing his creative endeavors.


In the conversation with the students, Rahman emphasized the transformative power of selflessness. "You will not be selfish when you live for others. Your life will be meaningful," he expressed. For Rahman, this philosophy extends beyond his music composition, encompassing acts of kindness such as writing and providing sustenance to those in need.

The maestro encouraged the audience to find purpose and meaning by contributing positively to the lives of others. He shared, "I think of this when composing music, writing, and feeding those who don't have food. That's what drives us." Rahman believes that by embracing a selfless approach, individuals can navigate the complexities of life and find fulfillment in making a difference.

Addressing the uncertainty of the future, Rahman acknowledged the inevitability of challenging days. However, he imparted a hopeful message: "Something wonderful is waiting for you." Emphasizing the transient nature of our journey in this world, he reminded everyone that life's impermanence is a shared experience.

As Rahman concluded his interaction with the Oxford Union students, he left them with a profound thought: "Our journey in this world is small. We are all going to be born, live for a while and then move on from here." He underscored the diverse beliefs that shape our perceptions of what comes next, emphasizing the certainty that permanency is elusive in this realm.

In a world often filled with uncertainties, Rahman's personal story and words of wisdom serve as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging individuals to find purpose, meaning, and compassion in their lives.

Those in distress or having suicidal tendencies could seek help and counselling by calling 104